The creation of the Bewdley Festival Arts Foundation (BCAF) represents the next stage of Bewdley Festival’s vision for securing resources for the arts in our community for future generations.
Taking part in creative activities is now widely recognised as having a positive effect on many areas of life.
Throughout its existence, Bewdley Festival has aspired to support the arts in Bewdley and the Wyre Forest by investing in various projects, both large and small scale.
From acting as the major partner in the redevelopment of St Georges Hall in 2013, to the creation of the Bewdley Youth Festival, we have a solid and unique track record of delivering innovative, rigorously managed and successful arts based initiatives for the community.
The Trustees and the Organising Committee believe that it is particularly appropriate, in light of the impact of the pandemic on so many, that the Festival should now use their expertise to build further on what has already been achieved since Bewdley Festival was founded in 1988.